Looking for another world
Our world is increasingly confronted with the damage of liberal capitalist growth which has ensured its development since the 1980s. This growth, which was based on mass production and then consumption while also justifying mass surveillance, has generated, in fact, not only social inequalities highlighted by the COVID 19 crisis, but also serious, perhaps irremediable, damage to the natural capital that we have inherited (pollution, reduction in biodiversity, gas greenhouse effect and global warming, etc.). Moreover, in the background, there is the question of the vulnerability of the complex systems and software of our current world, a world with feet of clay, while we are faced with the prospect of a world population expected to increase by more than 2 billion people by the end of the century.
This book therefore attempts a synthesis of current situations and directions by summarizing the actions undertaken under different initiatives, international, regional or national, to respond to the challenges of today and tomorrow. Finally, it proposes avenues of work with the aim of setting up organizations and planning methods (objective-based steering) to prepare and implement desirable “multi-actor” policies, i.e. coherent, transparent, truly decentralized so that each actor can fully exercise their responsibilities.